Arjan Geers

Journal papers

Valen-Sendstad K, Bergersen AW, Shimogonya Y, Goubergrits L, Bruening J, Pallares J, Cito S, Piskin S, Pekkan K, Geers AJ, Larrabide L, Rapaka S, Mihalef V, Fu W, Qiao A, Jain K, Roller S, Mardal KA, Kamakoti R, Spirka T, Ashton N, Revell A, Aristokleous N, Houston JG, Tsuji M, Ishida F, Menon PG, Browne LD, Broderick S, Shojima M, Koizumi S, Barbour M, Aliseda A, Morales HG, Lefèvre T, Hodis S, Al-Smadi YM, Tran JS, Marsden AL, Vaippummadhom S, Einstein GA, Brown AG, Debus K, Niizuma K, Rashad S, Sugiyama SI, Owais Khan M, Updegrove AR, Shadden SC, Cornelissen BMW, Majoie CBLM, Berg P, Saalfield S, Kono K, Steinman DA. Real-world variability in the prediction of intracranial aneurysm wall shear stress: The 2015 International Aneurysm CFD Challenge. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology 9(4): 544–564, 2018.

Geers AJ, Morales HG, Larrabide I, Butakoff C, Bijlenga P, Frangi AF. Wall shear stress at the aneurysm initiation site. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 16(1):97–115, 2017.
DOI | Dataset | Animation

Pozo JM, Geers AJ, Villa-Uriol MC, Frangi AF. Flow complexity in open systems: Interlacing complexity index based on mutual information. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 825: 704–742, 2017.

Conlisk N, Geers AJ, McBride OM, Newby DE, Hoskins PR. Patient specific modelling of abdominal aortic aneurysms: The influence of wall thickness on predicted clinical outcomes. Medical Engineering and Physics, 38(6):526–537, 2016.

Larrabide I, Geers AJ, Morales HG, Bijlenga P, Rüfenacht DA. Change in aneurysmal flow pulsatility after flow diverter treatment. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 50:2–8, 2016.

Morales HG, Bonnefous O, Geers AJ, Larrabide I, Brina O, Pereira VM, Spelle L, Moret J. Does arterial flow rate affect the assessment of flow diverter stent performance? American Journal of Neuroradiology, 37(12):2293–2298, 2016.

Sarrami-Foroushani A, Lassila T, Gooya A, Geers AJ, Frangi AF. Uncertainty quantification of wall shear stress in intracranial aneurysms using a data-driven statistical model for systemic blood flow variability. Journal of Biomechanics, 49(16):3815–3823, 2016.

Berg P, Roloff C, Beuing O, Voss S, Sugiyama SI, Aristokleous N, Anayiotos AS, Ashton N, Revell A, Bressloff NW, Brown AG, Chung BJ, Cebral JR, Copelli G, Fu W, Qiao A, Geers AJ, Hodis S, Dragomir-Daescu D, Nordahl E, Suzen YB, Khan MO, Valen-Sendstad K, Kono K, Menon PG, Albal PG, Mierka O, Münster R, Morales HG, Bonnefous O, Osman J, Goubergrits L, Pallares J, Cito S, Passalacqua A, Piskin S, Pekkan K, Ramalho S, Marques N, Sanchi S, Schumacher KR, Sturgeon J, Švihlová H, Hron J, Usera G, Mendina M, Xiang J, Meng H, Steinman DA, Janiga G. The Computational Fluid Dynamics Rupture Challenge 2013 – Phase II: Variability of hemodynamic simulations in two intracranial aneurysms. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 137(12):121008, 2015.

Cito S, Geers AJ, Arroyo MP, Palero VR, Pallarés J, Vernet A, Blasco J, San Román L, Fu W, Qiao A, Janiga G, Miura Y, Ohta M, Mendina M, Usera G, Frangi AF. Accuracy and reproducibility of patient-specific hemodynamic models of stented intracranial aneurysms: Report on the Virtual Intracranial Stenting Challenge 2011. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 43(1):154–167, 2015.
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Larrabide I, Geers AJ, Morales HG, Aguilar ML, Rüfenacht DA. Effect of aneurysm and ICA morphology on hemodynamics before and after flow diverter treatment. Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery, 7(4):272–280, 2015.
DOI | Dataset

Tobon-Gomez C, Geers AJ, Peters J, Weese J, Pinto K, Karim R, Ammar M, Daoudi A., Margeta J, Sandoval Z, Stender B, Zheng Y, Zuluaga MA, Betancur J, Ayache N, Chikh MA, Dillenseger JL, Kelm BM, Mahmoudi S, Ourselin S, Schlaefer A, Schaeffter T, Razavi R, Rhode KS. Benchmark for algorithms segmenting the left atrium from 3D CT and MRI datasets. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 34(7):1460:1473, 2015.
DOI | Code | Dataset

Geers AJ, Larrabide I, Morales HG, Frangi AF. Approximating hemodynamics of cerebral aneurysms with steady flow simulations. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(1):178–185, 2014.
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Larrabide I, Aguilar ML, Morales HG, Geers AJ, Kulcsár Z, Rüfenacht DA, Frangi AF. Intra-aneurysmal pressure and flow changes induced by flow diverters: Relation to aneurysm size and shape. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 34(4):816–822, 2013.

Morales HG, Larrabide I, Geers AJ, San Román L, Blasco J, Macho JM, Frangi AF. A virtual coiling technique for image-based aneurysm models by dynamic path planning. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 32(1):119–129, 2013.

Morales HG, Larrabide I, Geers AJ, Dai D, Kallmes DF, Frangi AF. Analysis and quantification of endovascular coil distribution inside saccular aneurysms using histological images. Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery, 5:iii33–37, 2013.

Morales HG, Larrabide I, Geers AJ, Aguilar ML, Frangi AF. Newtonian and non-Newtonian blood flow in coiled cerebral aneurysms. Journal of Biomechanics, 46(13):2158–2164, 2013.

Larrabide I, Villa-Uriol MC, Cardenes R, Barbarito V, Carotenuto L, Geers AJ, Morales HG, Pozo JM, Mazzeo MD, Bogunovic H, Omedas P, Riccobene C, Macho JM, Frangi AF. AngioLab: A software tool for morphological analysis and endovascular treatment planning of intracranial aneurysms. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 108(2):806–819, 2012.

Geers AJ, Larrabide I, Radaelli AG, Bogunovic H, Kim M, Gratama van Andel HAF, Majoie CB, VanBavel E, Frangi AF. Patient-specific computational hemodynamics of intracranial aneurysms from 3D rotational angiography and CT angiography: An in vivo reproducibility study. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 32(3):581–586, 2011.
DOI | Code | Dataset

Villa-Uriol MC, Larrabide I, Pozo JM, Kim M, Camara O, De Craene M, Zhang C, Geers AJ, Morales HG, Bogunovic H, Cardenes R, Frangi AF. Toward integrated management of cerebral aneurysms. Philosophical Transactions. Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences, 368(1921):2961–2982, 2010.

Conference papers and abstracts

Garcia-Canadilla P, Zhang C, Geers AJ, Tobon-Gomez C, Baliceviv V, Cook AC, Bijnens B. Analysis of cardiac microstructure and myocyte aggregates organization in fetal hearts with congenital heart disease by X-ray phase contrast synchrotron imaging. World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery (WCPCCS), Barcelona, Spain, 2017.

Garcia-Canadilla P, Zhang C, AJ Geers, Tobon-Gomez C, Baliceviv V, Cook AC, Bijnens B. Visualisation and quantification of the cardiac microstructure from normal and abnormal whole fetal hearts, image with X-ray phase-contrast synchrotron imaging. NEUBIAS2020 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2017.

Pozo JM, Geers AJ, Frangi AF. Information theoretic measurement of blood flow complexity in vessels and aneurysms: Interlacing Complexity Index. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Quebec City, Canada, 2017.

Garcia-Canadilla P, Zhang C, Geers AJ, Tobon-Gomez C, Cook AC, Bijnens B. Detailed assessment of cardiac anatomy and microstructure in congenital heart disease by X-ray phase-contrast synchrotron radiation-based micro-CT. ESC Cardiovascular Development Meeting, Newcastle, UK, 2016.

Geers AJ, Morales HG, Larrabide I, Butakoff C, Frangi AF. Temporal variation of wall shear stress at the aneurysm initiation site. European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC), Madrid, Spain, 2015.

Geers AJ, Morales HG, Larrabide I, Butakoff C, Frangi AF. Wall shear stress at aneurysm initiation site. International Symposium on Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and Cardiovascular Disease (BVBCD), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2014.

Cito S, Pallares J, Vernet A, Geers AJ, Cuesta I. Hemodynamics analysis of several stent treatments of a patient specific anterior communicating artery aneurysm. ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC), Fajardo, Puerto Rico, USA, 2012.

Larrabide I, Geers AJ, Aguilar ML, Morales HG, Rüfenacht DA, Frangi AF. Influence of vascular morphology on hemodynamic changes after flow diverter placement in saccular intracranial aneurysms. MICCAI Workshop on Computer Assisted Stenting (STENT), Nice, France, 2012.

Morales HG, Larrabide I, Aguilar ML, Geers AJ, Macho JM, San Román L, Frangi AF. Comparison of two techniques of endovascular coil modeling in cerebral aneurysms using CFD. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Barcelona, Spain, 2012.

Cito S, Geers AJ, Arroyo P, Pallares J, Vernet A, Palero VR, Lobera J, Frangi AF. Particle imaging velocimetry benchmark for validation of three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics in a cerebral aneurysm model. International Interdisciplinary Cerebrovascular Symposium (ICS), Shanghai, China, 2011.

Cito S, Geers AJ, Arroyo P, Pallares J, Vernet A, Palero VR, Lobera J, Blasco J, San Roman L, Frangi AF. Virtual Intracranial Stenting Challenge 2011. International Interdisciplinary Cerebrovascular Symposium (ICS), Shanghai, China, 2011.

Geers AJ, Larrabide I, Morales HG, Villa-Uriol MC, Frangi AF. Comparing geometry and hemodynamics of MCA aneurysms. International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Biomedical Engineering (CMBE), Washington, DC, USA, 2011.

Geers AJ, Larrabide I, Morales HG, Frangi AF. Relationship between geometry and hemodynamics of MCA aneurysms. International Interdisciplinary Cerebrovascular Symposium (ICS), Shanghai, China, 2011.

Larrabide I, Aguilar ML, Morales HG, Geers AJ, Rüfenacht D, Frangi AF. Hemodynamic quantification of aneurysms after treatment with flow diversion device. International Interdisciplinary Cerebrovascular Symposium (ICS), Shanghai, China, 2011.

Morales HG, Larrabide I, Geers AJ, Kallmes DF, Dai D, Ding YH, Frangi AF. Histological analysis of endovascular coil distribution. International Interdisciplinary Cerebrovascular Symposium (ICS), Shanghai, China, 2011.

Morales HG, Larrabide I, Villa-Uriol MC, Geers AJ, Frangi AF. Towards the validation of a virtual coiling technique using a real versus a simulated bolus injection. International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Biomedical Engineering (CMBE), Washington, DC, USA, 2011.

Geers AJ, Larrabide I, Morales HG, Frangi AF. Comparison of steady-state and transient blood flow simulations of intracranial aneurysms. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010.

Geers AJ, Larrabide I, Morales HG, Cito S, Villa-Uriol MC, Frangi AF. Steady-state and transient hemodynamic simulations of virtually treated intracranial aneurysms. International Intracranial Stent Meeting (ICS), Houston, TX, USA, 2010.

Villa-Uriol MC, Larrabide I, Pozo JM, Bogunovic H, Omedas P, Barbarito V, Carotenuto L, Riccobene C, Planes X, Martelli Y, Geers AJ, Frangi AF. AngioLab: Integrated technology for patient-specific management of intracranial aneurysms. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010.

Geers AJ, Larrabide I, Radaelli AG, Bogunovic H, Gratama van Andel HAF, Majoie CB, Frangi AF. Reproducibility of image-based computational hemodynamics in intracranial aneurysms: Comparison of CTA and 3DRA. International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Boston, MA, USA, 2009.

Geers AJ, Radaelli AG, Majoie CB, Gratama van Andel HAF, VanBavel E, Frangi AF. Quantitative sensitivity analysis to image modality of computed hemodynamics in intracranial aneurysms. International Intracranial Stent Meeting (ICS), Ankara, Turkey, 2008.


Geers AJ. Hemodynamic modeling of cerebral aneurysms. PhD thesis. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2014.

Geers AJ. Computational analysis of the morphology and hemodynamics of intracranial aneurysms from 3DRA and CTA images: Quantitative sensitivity analysis. MSc thesis. University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008.

Geers AJ. Detection of the topology of coronary vessel trees. BSc thesis. University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2006.


Hoskins P, Doyle BJ, Conlisk N, Geers AJ. Patient specific modelling. Hoskins PR, Lawford PV, Doyle BJ (editors). Cardiovascular Biomechanics, Chapter 11, Springer, 2016. (Book chapter)

Geers AJ. Patient-specific computational hemodynamics of intracranial aneurysms from 3D rotational angiography and CT angiography: An in vivo reproducibility study. American Journal of Neuroradiology News Digest, December, 2014. (Newsletter article)

Geers AJ, Larrabide I, Radaelli AG, Bogunovic H, Kim M, Frangi AF, Gratama van Andel HAF, Majoie CB, VanBavel E. Reply to ‘Identifying “truth” in computational fluid dynamics research’. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 32(6):E123-E123, 2011. (Letter)

Villa-Uriol MC, Larrabide I, Pozo JM, Kim M, De Craene M, Camara O, Zhang C, Geers AJ, Bogunovic H, Morales HG, Frangi AF. Cerebral aneurysms: A patient-specific and image-based management pipeline. Tavares JMRS, Jorge RN (editors). Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Recent Trends, Chapter 19, Springer, 2011. (Book chapter)